【西班牙品牌故事 ~ Natura Bissé】
大家知道,西班牙有時尚品牌如 Zara、Mango、Loewe 等,但是,應該很少人知道,西班牙還有一個具國際知名度的高級護膚品牌 Natura Bissé。
Natura Bissé 於 1979 年創於巴塞隆納,結合不同的高效成分與科技,為不同皮膚、季節、環境、年齡創造出適合各個時刻所需的保養品。在這四十年間,從巴塞隆納開始,到紐約、杜拜、倫敦等地, 在 Neiman Marcus、Barneys、Harrods、Harvey Nichols 等知名百貨公司設立專櫃, Natura Bissé 席捲全球時尚美容圈、豪華飯店和高級 SPA 護膚中心。
除此之外,它是西班牙 50 大品牌中唯一獲選的護膚品牌,被“富比士旅遊指南(Forbes Travel Guide)”指定為唯一官方護膚品牌,更在 2018, 2019 跟 2020 年連續三年拿下 World Spa Awards 的「世界最佳 Spa 品牌獎」。
Natura Bissé 除了跟國際豪華飯店以及高級 SPA 合作,提供奢華的護膚療程之外,還負責奧斯卡金象獎以及西班牙影展哥雅獎(Premios Goya)頒獎前明星們的護膚療程。從 2005 年,Natura Bissé 就成為奧斯卡明星上紅毯前的護膚品牌,提供明星們強效恢復肌膚活力、修復等護膚療法,也因此,Natura Bissé 成為好萊塢明星們的護膚品首選。
導遊在十幾年前第一次接觸到 Natura Bissé 的護膚品,因其創新的高濃度活性成分配方以及90% 以上天然來源成分而非常喜歡,而今年新出的 Diamond Well-Living 身體保養系列更讓導遊驚艷。
Diamond Well-Living 身體保養系列的身體去角質霜含有 95% 天然成分,以海鹽顆粒、碎米粉末、葡萄籽顆粒為主,身體保濕乳霜看起來濃厚,用起來卻沒有粘膩感,能快速吸收,還略帶柑橘香氣,帶給肌膚明顯的改變,而最讓導遊喜愛的是身體按摩油跟身體凝膠。按摩油的香味跟保濕乳霜比起來,較為濃厚一點,有著天然精油的清香,DE-STRESS 紓壓按摩油帶著薰衣草、雪松、廣藿香的香氣,真的可以讓人放鬆緊繃的身心。身體凝膠分成兩種,溫感跟涼感,香味非常淡雅,要非常仔細才能聞到溫感凝膠的肉桂、薑黃香氣,或是涼感凝膠的尤加利、薄荷香氣。溫感凝膠適於疲憊的肌肉,例如放鬆長期在電腦前造成的肌肉疲憊,涼感凝膠適於舒緩久站或運動後緊繃的肌肉,例如舒緩一整天帶團走路、參觀景點的雙腿。
Diamond Well-Living 身體保養系列的香味自然清淡,沒有刺鼻的人工香味,聞起來非常舒服放鬆,觸感也很細緻舒適,用起來是居家保養的一大享受,尤其在這疫情期間,可以透過觸覺跟嗅覺的感受,以居家按摩的方式調適生活、平衡身心,讓這一年半前被打亂、至今尚未恢復的生活中多了一份愉悅跟舒適感。
#西班牙 #naturabisse #1010apothecary #MyWellLivingMoment
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🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 葛萊美獎🇺🇸
📰 At Grammy Nominations, Nods to Beyoncé and Taylor Swift but The Weeknd Is Snubbed
The music awards offer an unusual mix of conventional and little-known artists, who also surprise with top nods
📌 這篇文章關於流行音樂,用了生動、屬於口語的詞匯,值得大家學習。Grammy就是美國著名的格蘭美音樂獎,標題提到格蘭美肯定碧昂絲和泰勒斯,所用的字是nod (點頭),威肯則被冷落了(snubbed)。
The Grammy Award nominations are out, and there is a glaring number of unexpected nods and snubs: Less-known artists like Jacob Collier and Black Pumas and rock institution Coldplay scored nominations for top prizes. But The Weeknd? Shut out completely.
📌 這段提述格蘭美獎給公佈了(out),一些不太爲人所知的藝人(lesser-known artists)和在搖滾音樂裏是出名的人 (rock institution)獲得提名大獎 (top prizes),但是 The Weekend被摒棄(shut out)。
It’s a surprising turn: A year ago, the annual awards show seemed to have a finger on pop music’s new guard. But the nominees for next year’s prizes, announced by the Recording Academy on Tuesday, are a mix of quirky and conventional, with small, niche artists receiving high-profile nods, widely favored and zeitgeisty acts getting snubbed and established names instead of newcomers dominating overall nominations. Next year’s Grammys will take place on Jan. 31 in Los Angeles, hosted by “The Daily Show” host and comedian Trevor Noah
📌 這段形容這是令人驚訝的事態的變化(surprising turn)。一年前,格蘭美獎似乎確定(have a finger on)流行音樂的新衛士派(new guard),今年情況不一樣。
Three of the eight nominations for the most prestigious prize, Album of the Year, went to R&B singer Jhené Aiko, genre-crossing music prodigy Jacob Collier and retro-soul duo Black Pumas. These are less commercially-successful artists that have currency with Grammy voters but may be unfamiliar to most music fans. Veteran rock band Coldplay was also nominated in the category, a surprise given the lack of buzz in the run-up to the nominations. And the only rapper recognized for the top award is Post Malone, who straddles the fence with pop music. Other nominees in this category include pop star Dua Lipa—considered a major contender—Taylor Swift and rock sister-trio Haim. Beyoncé, who leads the pack with nine nominations overall, is the most nominated female artist in Grammy history.
📌 這段交代各得獎人的細節,當中使用流行音樂常見的詞匯,學了這些詞匯可以提高這方面的表達能力。
In perhaps the biggest upset this year, R&B-pop crooner The Weeknd was shut out of all award nominations. The Canadian superstar was considered a frontrunner by many in the music business, having released one of 2020’s most successful and praised albums, “After Hours.” (The Weeknd is also playing next year’s Super Bowl.) On Monday, “Blinding Lights,” one of The Weeknd’s recent songs, became the longest-running Top-Ten hit in the 62-year history of Billboard’s singles chart.
On Tuesday evening, The Weeknd criticized his Grammy shut-out on Twitter. “The Grammys remain corrupt,” he said. “You owe me, my fans and the industry transparency.”
In response, the Recording Academy’s interim CEO and President, Harvey Mason Jr., said it was an “unusual and competitive year.”
“We understand that The Weeknd is disappointed... I was surprised and can empathize,” Mr. Mason Jr. said. He also addressed speculation that The Weeknd was asked to pick between performing at the Super Bowl and the Grammys. “Voting in all categories ended well before The Weeknd’s performance at the Super Bowl was announced, so in no way could it have affected the nomination process,” Mr. Mason Jr. said.
📌 這三段關於威肯指責格蘭美獎腐敗的(corrupt),缺乏透明度(transparency),格蘭美獎負責人的反應(response)是今年是不尋常的(unusual)和競爭激烈的(competitive)。 他也回應一個揣測(speculation),說威肯不獲提名獎項跟在美國橄欖球超級杯大賽(Super Bowl) 表演無關。
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harvey awards 2020 在 Harvey Awards | New York NY - Facebook 的推薦與評價
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